
Better than a water softener in your battle with hard water and limescale

10 ReasonsWhy You’ll Love WATERKING

  • Removes and Prevents Limescale. – WaterKing willeven remove existing limescale buildup from your system.
  • Totally Portable:- Take the unit with you if youmove. Great for recreational vehicles.
  • Appliances last longer: Hot water heaters and washing machines lastlonger, showers and taps are more powerful, and pipes won’t clog withlimescale
  • Saves Energy. – Limescale reduces energy efficiency and the workinglife of your heating system. Just 1.6mm of scale can reduce heatingefficiency by 12%.
  • Improves Skin and Hair. – 80% of psoriasis andeczema suffers experience an improvement after installing a Waterking unit
  • Water remains drinkable. – No salt or chemicalsadded to the water
  • Easy Installation. -No pipes to cut. This tinyunit, takes up almost no space.
  • No Wasted Backwash Water. – No salt or chemicalsin your septic tank. No extra water usage to backwash resin.
  • No Maintenance: No moving means no maintenance
  • No Salt. Waterking conditioners are the only electronic device of itskind that has been proven by independent laboratory tests to producesofter water without salt and without chemicals.



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Water King Overview

Water-King electronic water conditioners are some of the most powerful devices of their type. Using the latest electronic technology enables us to produce a product comparable in performance to much larger, more expensive systems at a much lower cost. They are more cost effective and therefore perfect as a value engineered alternative to more expensive systems.


Water-King is a non intrusive electronic water conditioner that inhibits scale formation, removes existing scale deposits and partially softens hot water. It requires no plumbing and there is no need for ongoing maintenance nor servicing.

The technology explained

Water-King uses pre-programmed micro-chips to transmit pulses of electrical charge into the water at varying frequencies and amplitudes. These “signals” cause some of the salts in the water to form sub-microscopic clusters. When the water is then heated, the clusters act as nucleation seeds upon which the calcium carbonate (limescale) precipitates. Instead of the hard encrustation on pipes and heating elements that normally occurs when water is heated, the precipitation takes the form of tiny calcium carbonate crystals that float suspended in the water. These invisible fine crystals are carried away with the flowing water. See Oxford University Report


Field trials conducted over the past fourteen years have demonstrated the effectiveness of Water-King in many applications where conventional water softeners would normally be used. Water-King is less expensive to install and maintain than ion exchange softeners. In larger applications it is also less expensive and simpler to install than inline magnetic and electro magnetic systems. Water-King requires very little space, no special plumbing, no waste water connection nor access for the supply of salt and its storage. There is no head loss nor any additional corrosion problems.

How Is The Water Softened Without Removing The Calcium?

The clusters created by Water-King stimulate the conversion of more of the dissolved calcium bicarbonate in the water into crystals in suspension than would otherwise occur. The resulting hot water, with less calcium bicarbonate, is now chemically softer. Soap, which reacts adversely with calcium bicarbonate, will create more lather despite the fact that the total amount of calcium, dissolved and suspended, remains the same. Water-King is the only electronic device of its kind that has been proven by independent laboratory tests to produce softer water. See Advertising Standards Authority Reports

Drinking Water

Unlike ion exchange softened water, where minerals are removed and replaced by sodium, Water-King treated water is suitable for drinking. There is no need for a separate drinking water supply, no health risks and no salt effluent. The problems of head loss and corrosion do not occur.

Removal of Existing Scale Deposits

Water-King is very effective at removing existing scale deposits from water heaters, calorifiers and pipes. Descaling occurs within a few weeks. The scale breaks away in small plates as it loses adhesion with the surface that is encrusting. In existing systems that are badly scaled it may be worth considering fitting a filter on the hot flow from the water heater to protect blending valves and other appliances.

Lifecycle Costs

Running costs of all units is less than $30.00 per annum. The design life is 25 years with a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty. Water-King has a no quibble 100-day money-back satisfaction guarantee, which is extendable subject to negotiation.


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Water King Plumbing Requirements

Water-King units require between 25 and 50 cm of straight pipe run. Copper or other metallic pipes are best, but it can be installed on all types of plastic pipe. It cannot be fitted to lead pipe. The pipe does not need to be cut, there is no plumbing involved, nor is there any requirement for an isolating bypass with associated valves. Insulation may be fitted over the pipes after installation.

Power Requirements

Each unit requires mains voltage supply within one metre of the unit. The unit should be located within 45 cm of the pipe being treated.

Evaporative Systems

Where appliances are designed to operate by make up water and evaporation, such as cooling towers or humidifiers, adequate provision must be made to clear the build up of any sludgy deposits by regular “blow down” or other means.


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Where to Locate a Water King Conditioner


In general a Water-King unit should be installed as close as possible to the appliance where water is to be heated and scale is likely to form. This means in practice it should be installed on the cold service within the same plant room as the calorifier or water heater. If local electric water heaters are being used and especially when hot water draw-off is spare or spasmodic such as in an office environment, it is best to fit a dedicated unit such as the Sentry to each heater.

Signal Propagation

The signal generated by Water-King is transmitted through the water both upstream and downstream from the unit. This means that appliances and storage tanks upstream from the unit can be treated, although ideally water should pass the unit where practical.

Cold Water Storage Cisterns and Break Tanks

Vented cold water storage cisterns generally cause a discontinuity in the signal transmission resulting in decay of the clustering effect generated by the Water-King. This problem can be overcome by installing a unit on one of the outlet pipes from the cistern and utilising the “Back Signal” to treat the stored water. Where hot and cold tanks are close coupled, or there is no ready access to the outlet, the “Air Gap” can be bridged by installing a unit on the supply pipe and grounding one of the aerials to the tank. This procedure is fully explained in the installation instructions.

Booster Sets and Circulation Pumps

Water passing through a pump will lose the effect of Water-King treatment. A unit should be fitted on the discharge side of booster sets and circulation pumps.

Hot Water Secondary Return (HWSR)

We recommend that the HWSR should be treated with a Water-King between the circulation pump and the calorifier or water heater.

Heat Exchangers

We recommend that both the cold inlet and the heated discharge of Plate and Frame or Shell and Tube heat exchangers are treated. This is more easily achieved with any of the four aerial units by applying one pair of aerials to each of the inlet and discharge pipes. Where a pump is close coupled to the inlet side of a heat exchanger, treat only the outlet pipe.

Blending Valves and Showers

Most of the scale formed in these fittings is precipitated from the cold water. It is essential that the cold water services to these appliances are treated as well as the hot.

Re-Circulating Systems

Where water is being constantly circulated, such as through a cooling tower, the Water-King unit should be fitted on the circulating system downstream from the pump and as close as possible to where the heating process or pressure drop is occurring. There is no need to treat the make up water.

Low Water Content Finned Type Water Heaters

Generally this type of water heater is highly resistant to scaling but, to protect buffer vessels and other downstream appliances, we recommend treatment of the return to the buffer at a point after the HWSR and make up water.


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Suggested Specifications

One or more electronic water conditioners shall be fitted to the cold mains supply and HWSR in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The unit shall have two or more open ended aerials wrapped around the pipework generating a series of square waves of random length and occurrence between 1 KHz and 10 KHz. The peak to peak output voltage will be in excess of 80 volts.

To obtain our Specifiers Guide (PDF 258kb) CLICK HERE


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Commercial Water King Size Selection

Pipe Diameter

Having decided where to locate the Water-King,select the appropriate sized unit according to the pipe diameter.If hot water is provided by a Direct Fired water Heater then selectthe larger size according to maximum output rating.

Direct Fired Water Heaters

We recommend maximum heat ratings for differentsized units and this also varies according to whether they aregas fired, oil fired or heated electrically.

Flow Rate

Flow rate is immaterial as far as Water-King isconcerned. The greater the flow, the more effective the unitstend to be.

To obtain our Specifiers Guide (PDF 258kb) CLICKHERE

Maximum pipe diameter
Direct fired gas/oilboiler
Electrical boiler
Aerial number/length
Minimum aerial turns
Frequency range
Peak to peak outputvoltage
power supply
230v or 110 v
230v or 110 v
230v or 110 v
230v or 110 v
230v or 110 v
Input current
Power consumption
Transformer output
Lead length
Dimensions (mm)
Ambient temperature
0- 70 ° C
0- 70 ° C
0- 70 ° C
0- 70 ° C
0- 70 ° C
Humidity non-condensing
Self-diagnostic GuardChip
BMS output

Self-Diagnostic “Guard chip”

Every computer system is prone to malfunction,especially if there is a sudden variation in the power supplywhich can jam the program. Normally the system has to be resetby manually re-booting. Water-King units overcome this problemby an additional “Guard Chip” program which monitorsthe performance of the main program and resets the system automaticallyif it detects a variation or system failure. There is no needfor manual resetting after power outage.



A simple to fit DIY unit with external transformer. This unit has “Guard Chip” protection. The external transformer is available in a full range of pin configurations and supply voltages


An intermediate sized unit with “Guard Chip” and external transformer. The extra pair of aerials can be used for treating a second pipe as well as reinforcing the signal applied to a single


This unit is designed to treat larger pipe sizes up to 105mm. It has mains input with integral transformer, normally rated at 230 volts, but UL-approved 110 volts transformers can be supplied as an option. The enclosure is rated IP65


A powerful unit that will handle the majority of commercial applications. It is frequently specified to treat the cold supply to direct fired water heaters and paired with a Wk1 on the secondary return. It has output for a Building Management System to detect power failure.


This is the largest standard Water-King unit with the same dimensions, transformer options and features as the WK4. It has six aerial outputs arranged as three pairs and is capable of treating pipe sizes up to 159mm.

Commercial Schematics


clickimage for larger view
High Level Cold Cistern With Low Level Plant Room

Treatthe CWDS close to the water heater with a second unit on the HWSR afterthe circulation pump. One of the CWS drops from the header is treatedwith a third unit.

click image for larger view

Hot Water Storage Pumped to Water Heater

Locate a Water-King after the pump. On low water content finned typewater heaters it should be on the return. On plate and frame heatexchangers it may be fitted on the return only.

click image for larger view

Cold Water Storage Cistern with Booster Set

A Water-King is fitted to the common cold services on the outlet of the booster set. A second Water-King is fitted to the HWSR.

clickimage for larger view

Electric Water Heaters in Offices

Due to the length of time the water resides in the heater, it is best to treat each heater with a dedicated Water-King unit.

NB: These diagrams are illustrative for siting of Water-King units. They are not intended to be examples of definitive water services.

NB: These diagrams are illustrative for siting of Water-King units. They are not intended to be examples of definitive domestic water services.

Residential Schematics

Domestic Plumbing Options

Domestic Plumbing Options
click image for larger view
Unvented System with Combination Boiler

A typical domestic application on an unvented system to protect a combi boiler. The installation is on the rising main and may be close to the boiler. It will also protect other appliances in the home through the back signal.

click image for larger view

Vented System with Cold Water Tank

A typical domestic application on a vented system. One unit is installed on the rising main to protect appliances under mains pressure and a second unit is sited on the cold water down services to the calorifier. The back signal from this unit is normally adequate to serve the CWDS for the vented cold supply..

Multi-Occupancy Buildings
Col Water Storage Tank with Booster
click image for larger view

Electric Water Heaters

Due to the high local temperature and magnetic fields created by the heater element, these heaters are best treated with local deidcated units.

offices POU Electric Water Heaters diagram
clickimage for larger view

Gas Water Heaters

Install a Water-King on each riser or at the point of entry to the building.

NB: These diagrams are illustrative for siting of Water-King units. They are not intended to be examples of definitive domestic water services.

NB: These diagrams are illustrative for siting of Water-King units. They are not intended to be examples of definitive domestic water services.

Installation Instructions for all Water King Models

The installation instructions and downloads are available for all Water King models in PDF format.

Please select which instructions you require below.


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